

Just getting started? Stuck in a rut? Or want to keep a good thing going? We have something to offer your team, no matter where you are!

Half Day Workshops

Our professionally facilitated workshops are a perfect compliment to your work-week, kickoff, or conference agenda!

Our standard off the shelf workshops are budget-friendly, designed for groups of 5-30 individuals, and can be completed in person or online!

Full day and Multi day Courses

Looking for a tailored course that combines the best of teambuilding activities with hands-on training in your choice of topics including team structure, rituals, psychological safety, interpersonal dynamics, managing diversity, and/or strategic development?

We've got you covered!

Individual Coaching

Our certified coach can help guide your team members towards individual and collective success.

We focus on helping our clients establish constructive personal habits, accept and grow from feedback, and work together to get the most from multicultural or otherwise neurodiverse environments.

Scientific based Assessments

We are certified in and offer a variety of testing tools that help assess where people's natural strategic contribution lies and how they most comfortably handle change and growth.

Assessments uncover hidden strengths and development opportunities, empowering you to make data-driven decisions for you and your team. They are an ideal addition to any full-day or multi-day gathering and are appropriate for both management and non-management teams.

"Creating and managing a diverse workforce is a process, not a destination."

— R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.

Looking for professional business consultants? Contact Gnistia to set up a meeting with our experienced experts.

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